The next AHRA Event


Body Matters 2024

Wed 16 Oct—Wed 06 Nov 2024


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In anticipation of the upcoming (AHRA) international conference ‘Body Matters', AHRA’s PhD Steering Group Representatives are excited to extend an invitation to a pre-conference reading group. This group will explore key themes aligned with the conference, through a curated selection of texts, videos and archival materials.

Reflecting the conference spirit, our reading group aspires to bring together PhD students and early career researchers, providing them with an opportunity for collaborative learning and networking within the intersecting discussions of socio-spatial justice , materiality and the perception of bodies. This initiative extends an open invitation, encouraging dialogue and critical engagement with the diverse perspectives that emerge from these transversals.


16/10/2024 / 16.00 - 19.00 (UTC+1): Exploring ‘Colonial continuum(s)’

23/10/2024 / 16.00 - 19.00 (UTC+1): Exploring 'Material Matter/s'

06/11/2024 / 16.00 - 19.00 (UTC+1): Exploring 'Practices of Othering? the Body"

Participants will be invited to contribute to a Collaborative Reflective Journal and submit materials for an exhibit at the AHRA 2024 Conference. More details will be provided to participants in advance of the reading group sessions.

Register in advance for this reading group by filling in the form:

Or by sending your name, contact information and affiliation to:

The number of participants is limited.

Programme Outline:

16/10/2024 / 16.00 - 19.00 (UTC+1):

'Colonial continuum(s) : the geopolitics of colonised bodies and spaces'


1- Henni, Samia. 2022. “ Terra nucleus: radiating desert lives.” The Funambulist, Nol.44. pp. 60-67

2- Lambert Léopold.2012. “ Weaponized architecture : the impossibility of innocence”. New York: dpr-Barecelona.

Chapters: Violence on the body, pp.5-10 + Smoothing and Striating Space pp. 41-47

Video :

“Reggane, ville du 1er essai nucléaire français”/ “Reggane, city if the first French Nuclear test“



Translated testimonies: We ask each participant to reflect on one testimony from the Performing Colonial Toxicity Testimony Translation Project.


23/10/2024 / 16.00 - 19.00 (UTC+1):

'Material Matter/s'


1- Ingold, Tim. 2013. “Bodies on the run,” in Making : Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture. London: Routledge. pp.91-108

2- Thi Nguyen, Mimi . 2012. “The refugee condition,” in The Gift of Freedom: War, Debt, and Other Refugee Passages. Durham: Duke University Press. Pp.52-65

Archive: Lucy Orta’s digital archive - i.e wearable collection. (refugee wear)

Video: Antartica -

06/11/2024 / 16.00 - 19.00 (UTC+1):

'Practices of Othering? the Body'


1- Latour, B., 2004. How to talk about the body? The normative dimension of science studies. Body & Society, 10(2-3), pp.205-229.

2- Wallenstein, S.O., 2009. Biopolitics and the emergence of modern architecture (pp. 70-100). New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

This reading group is curated and chaired by:

Khaoula Hannachi, University of Blida 1, I.A.U (Algeria)

Megan Brien, Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin (Ireland)

Soscha Monteiro, Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)

2023-2026 AHRA PhD Student Representatives

Invited co-chair :

Gustavo Balbela, Norwich University of the Arts (U.K).