The next AHRA Event

‘Feminist spatial practices for social equality’ - Special Issue: Autumn 2026

Call for Papers - Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics

Thu 16 Jan—Sun 01 Dec 2024


Further Information

Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics

‘Feminist spatial practices for social equality’ - Special Issue: Autumn 2026

Deadline for abstracts submission: 1 December 2024

This special issue of Feminist Encounters seeks to engage with the growing interest in understanding how women and unrepresented groups in spatial practices have been involved in rethinking practice, questioning theory, and taking up space. As a result, their positionality as women or ‘other’ compared to the norm, and their political activism have guided their praxis towards promoting social participation and improving the everyday lives of those who are usually inhabiting the margins of society. At the same time, they have found ways of developing theoretical and practical resistance that allow them to create space for collaborative action within spatial practices.

Descriptive accounts showing a lack of evidence of women's participation in social space are no longer major trends in gender analysis. The aim of this collection is not to offer biographical accounts of women in architecture and planning professions, or to demonstrate the lack of power of marginalised groups, and the material implications of their absence. Rather, the special issue welcomes papers that address historical and contemporary case studies, and methodological approaches that discuss the social and political everyday life of feminist practices and activisms held by women and minorities in the built environment. Considering the topics investigated, the issue will also serve as a platform to discuss theories of social reproduction, intersectionality, Marxist feminism, and Bourdieusian forms of capital; although relevant submissions exploring other theoretical approaches are welcome.

Proposals submitted may address, but are not limited to, any of the following aspects:

  • the application of feminist intersectional theories to issues focusing on inequality in architecture and urban planning;
  • the ways in which women and unrepresented groups historically and in contemporary examples are taking up space in places where their presence was not considered or allowed;
  • the community efforts that women and minorities in administrative, professional and activist roles have employed in fostering social innovations in the built environment;
  • the exploration of how women engaged in spatial practices took/are taking a stance in confronting gender bias in the places of social reproduction;
  • the approaches used to question the concept of ‘archive’ and to offer alternative and collaborative readings of hegemonic definitions of architecture, design and planning disciplines:
  • a reading of the spaces that originated from the application of feminist spatial approaches and practices: how these have been perceived by the public and used by intended or casual users.

We warmly invite submissions that explore these topics and beyond, and we welcome contributions from a range of perspectives and disciplines.

Issue Guest Editors:

Maria Silvia D’Avolio, Postdoctoral Researcher, Zurich University of Applied Sciences.

Andri Gerber, Professor in Sustainable Architecture, Zurich University of Applied Sciences.

Abstracts of 500 words (excluding listed sources) and a short biographical note of no more than 100 words should be sent to no later than 1st December 2024. Please ensure that your abstract includes a clear description of your methodology, and lists at least 8 sources.

We will send notifications of accepted abstracts by 6th January 2025.

Full articles will be expected by 6th April 2025.

The expected word length of the full manuscript (including references) is 8,000 words; other word lengths are to be negotiated with the editors. Images are welcome but must include relevant copyright permissions and permissions if any research participant is shown.

All articles must be submitted in the journal’s house style, details of which are to be found on the Feminist Encounters website where an author’s pro forma for submission can be downloaded (

Chief Editor of Feminist Encounters: Professor Sally R Munt, University of Sussex UK

Managing Editor of Feminist Encounters: Dr Rose Richards, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa